It was May 13, 2011 when this site went live for the first time. I didn’t know what I wanted it to be — and I sometimes still don’t know — but I want to thank everybody who’s read and contributed at any point along the way. You know who you are. I appreciate you.
In those 24 months, I’ve had visitors from 182 countries. I’ve had more than a quarter of a million unique visitors. I really do appreciate all of them. I’ve been surprised — well, shocked is a more appropriate word — that this kind of traffic is possible for one random guy with some decidedly out-of-the-mainstream opinions.
I’ve enjoyed spending time with you, and I look forward to spending more time with you in the future. Maybe I’ll eventually even start making the monkeys work again. You never know.
Thanks for being here, everybody. And a special thanks for the few who leave comments. Whether we agree or not, I appreciate a crowd that’s more likely to think and discuss than to shout and scream.