After several months of testing and integration, I’m happy to tell you that my articles are now being published on Flipboard, a popular iOS and Android app.
Flipboard became popular quickly when it was launched in 2010 for the iPad and it was quickly extended to the iPhone. It’s now available on Android, too. It’s primarily a mobile app, but it can be accessed from a browser on Mac and Windows as well.
Although I will be one of the smaller publishers on Flipboard, I’ve been excited to see that the app has already been sending substantial traffic to my site. Although I haven’t promoted it at all, there are days when a quarter of my visitors are coming from Flipboard.
On Flipboard, you create your own reading experience by telling the site which subjects interest you. Over time, you can continue to “train” the software about what interests you. As you “like” certain things and tell it “less like this” about other things, the system gets better at knowing what things will be tailored to your taste.
The system isn’t perfect. It sometimes categorizes articles with subject tags that are wildly wrong, but it should improve over the years.
My articles generally appear there about two days after they’re published here. If you use Flipboard, feel free to take a look here, but I appreciate those of you who still access the articles directly. I’d rather have direct readers, but Flipboard is a great way to expose people to my work who would never have seen it otherwise.
Let me take this opportunity to remind you how much I appreciate every reader. In the last month, thousands and thousands of readers have come from 183 countries and territories — frequently from places I’ve never even heard of. (Do you know where Mayotte is? How about St. Pierre & Miquelon?)
Only about half of readers come from the United States. It’s an amazing opportunity to be able to write for readers coming from places all around the globe. It’s exciting to me to see so many returning visitors from cities and countries where I’d like to visit.
I appreciate every one of you and I apologize that I’ve become unable to answer all of the email you send to me. I read everything you write and I wish I had time to come up with insightful advice for everyone who writes. It always amazes me how similar our emotional experiences can be, even though we have different backgrounds and different languages.
So thanks for reading. I really do appreciate you being here.