When do you stand up to an extortionist? Do you tolerate him as long as he demands only 10 percent of your income? Or 30 percent? Or 50 percent?
Or do you wait until he demands everything?
The political system that’s been imposed on you — the one you were taught to worship — already steals money from you. The political question in this country isn’t whether it’s acceptable to steal from you or not. The question is how much the thieves and extortionists are allowed to steal — 30 percent of your income? 50 percent? 70 percent?
About 20 or 30 years ago, everybody was convinced that complete socialism was dead. The “mixed system” of the western democracies had won, simply because socialist systems inevitably collapse. But now that there’s been a bit of time after the fall of the Soviet Union, many younger people are embracing the economic idiocy of socialism.
When they eventually take over — and demand full control of your income — you’ll have only yourself to blame, because you’ve been willing to compromise with the extortionists today.
You were taught that “paying your taxes” made you a good citizen. You were told that those who didn’t pay taxes were “cheats” and criminals. You were even told that there is a “social contract that binds us all together.”
When exactly did you agree to such a contract? When did you agree that politicians have the right to decide how much money you have to hand over? When did you agree that it was moral for your property to be seized if you refused to pay? When you you agree that it was fair for you to be sent to prison if you failed to tell politicians and bureaucrats exactly how much money you make?
I never agreed to any such contract. You almost certainly didn’t agree to it, either. Instead, a government-operated system of schools fed you propaganda and made you worship that system. It made you a willing sheep who volunteers to be sheered every time politicians say it’s time.
You might grumble at handing over half your income. If you have a high income and live in a high-tax state, you’ll end up forking over roughly half of what you make when all forms of taxes are taken into account. But even though you grumble — and even though you wish it were a bit less — it never occurs to you to question the foundations of this evil system of extortion.
Because you don’t question the morality of this extortion, you support the politicians who promise to steal “not quite as much” as the other politicians want to steal. You think the “lesser thieves” are the good guys.
But it never occurs to you to withdraw your consent.
If a mugger steals your money, you hand it over to him because he’s holding a gun on you. You don’t say, “Well, this mugger is just asking for 30 percent of my money and he promises to do some good things, so I owe it to him.” No, you don’t voluntarily give him your money. You’re outraged and you want better security against such a thief.
Government of the sort that you currently support is the mugger holding the gun. The politicians and bureaucrats have no right to your money, because you haven’t agreed to buy the services they claim to be providing. It’s theft or extortion or whatever you want to call it, because the only reason you’re paying is that someone has a gun held to you — in order to take your property by force if your don’t obey.
It’s time to withdraw your consent for this barbaric system.
Socialists are on the rise in the Democratic Party today. We saw the first wave of that this past week. It’s going to get far worse. These people aren’t just the “socialist lite” of the mainstream Democrats. These are the hardcore kind who want to take everything you have. They want to turn your life and this entire country into the next Venezuela.
By what moral reasoning are you going to fight them? Are you going to tell them that their theft was fine as long as it was only 30 percent? Or 50 percent? Or 70 percent? At what point are you willing to say that what’s happening is wrong?
I can’t set us on a path to a voluntary system all by myself. You can’t, either. As long as the majority still support such theft — and are taught to revere it — nothing will change. As long as people consent to be mugged, nothing will change.
But if enough people can come to understand that the money they are handing over to government is stolen money, we can fight back — and when social and economic collapse inevitably comes — we can have a chance to replace this theft with a system of completely voluntary exchange.
I don’t expect you to understand yet how that can work. You’ve spent your whole life being taught that this theft is moral, after all. I’m just asking you to accept that you are a victim of theft — or extortion, if you prefer.
The first step is realizing what’s going on and withdrawing the consent you’ve given because of brainwashing in schools. You will have to pay taxes for now, just as I do — but you will pay that money with the understanding that someone is holding a gun on you, not because you have a moral obligation to do so.
The socialists are coming — and they’re coming for all the money and property of productive people. If you want to have any chance of defeating them, you have to quit compromising with evil. You have to quit supporting the people who say, “We’re going to take your money, but not quite as much.”
Withdraw your consent — at least in your own mind. Things are going to get worse. You need to understand what’s going on and you need to free your mind before that day gets here.