Oli London is a British man who became obsessed with Korean pop culture. He became a social media star with his reviews of South Korean pop music. But then this white European decided he was born in the wrong body — so he decided he’s “transracial.”
London spent more than $200,000 for cosmetic surgery intended to give his face more “Korean features.” He used to look like any random white guy, but now he looks like a circus freak. (The photos above are before and after shots.) After 18 surgeries over a period of eight years, London says he is “transracial,” meaning he used to be white but now he’s Asian.
“I identify as Korean,” London proclaimed on a Twitter video. “That’s just my culture, that’s my home country. … I do identify as Korean, I don’t identify as British. I feel like I should have been born in Korea because in that culture, everything from the mannerisms to the way they look is what I identify with.”
Why are we supposed to pretend delusional people are sane?
Although it’s ultimately his own life and his own body, why are so many people afraid to say what should be obvious? This man is mentally ill — and he is completely out of touch with objective reality.
Postmodern culture is at war with objective reality — and nothing is as blasphemous to this insane new ideology than rationality.
If you dare to use facts and reason — to point to objective reality and then to point out delusional breaks from reality — the insane freak show around us screams that you hate people. In fact, being rational and trying to stand up for any form of objective reality is often ridiculed — by people screaming and pointing fingers — as “a tool of white supremacy.”
Until about six decades ago, everybody knew that sex and gender were the same things. Everybody understood that you were born a man or a woman. (There are a tiny number of people who are born with sexual organs of both sexes. Those biologically “intersex” people are beyond the scope of what I’m talking about here.) You might be born as straight or gay, but nobody would have argued — with a straight face — that a man could decide to be a woman or that a woman could decide to become a man.
It would have been considered objectively irrational based on simple definitions, in the same way that a boy who claimed to be a dog would be regarded as delusional as well.
There were men who liked to dress as women. There were women who liked to dress as men. We’ve always had people whose identities were confused or who simply found it convenient or even exciting to pass for the other sex.
But until somebody invented this idea — sometime in the 1960s — nobody would have pretended that this desire to be someone else changed who you were in an objective way.
Nobody would have pretended that a woman who cut off her breasts and took male hormones became a man. Nobody would have pretended that a man who cut off his penis and took female hormones became a woman.
But today, we are told that this is reality. And if we do not share this reality which people simply declare to be true — because this is the way they feel — we are accused of hating them.
Governments now allow men and women to change their sex designation on official legal documents. If there is no objective basis for this declaration, what’s the point of keeping records of it?
We live in Clown World. Everything has become a freak show. And if you dare to question what is passed off as reality, you will be heckled and shouted down. You will be attacked and ridiculed. You will be told — with absolutely no basis in reality — that you “hate” these people, no matter what you really might feel.
I don’t object to people being allowed to have their own private delusions. I don’t object to men pretending to be women or to women pretending to be men. I don’t even object to mentally ill people having radical surgeries that destroy their bodies — as long as they’re making voluntary decisions as adults.
But I do object when I am told that I must join in their delusions.
And that’s where we are today. If you refer to a man as “he” — when this man has decided he’s a “she” — you can be prosecuted by the law in many places for this “hate crime.” Even in the U.S., you can lose your job if you simply decline to join in supporting these delusions of people around you.
Most of the people I’ve known who have claimed to be “transsexual” were clearly mentally ill. I can think of only one such person who appeared to be sane and well-adjusted, even though she completely presented to the world as a man. (I didn’t even realize the truth for a long time.)
Human life can be very difficult today. Mental health can be confusing. But we’re not helping people when we pretend there are no objective standards about reality. And we’re not helping when we pretend that mentally ill people are sane and well-functioning adults.
We live in Clown World. If other people want to participate in a freak show — if they want to be in the show or just cheer them from the sidelines — that’s none of my business.
But it does become my business when you pretend that my understanding of simple objective reality is hatred. It’s my business when you insist that I join in your delusion. And it’s my business when you try to shut up anybody who dares to point out that the world has gone insane.
Facts still matter. Objective reality still matters. Reason matters.
The society which ignores reason and embraces subjective delusion is doomed.