The United States is a speeding train filled with people who hate each other. Some groups try to take over the engine and force everybody to go their way. Many other people are just trying to travel on the train and ignore the hate-filled people fighting to take over the engine. They just want to live their lives and be left alone.
But as the train speeds faster and faster through the dark night of a rotting culture, almost all of the people on board ignore what’s obvious. This train is speeding toward the edge of a cliff — and those who don’t get off are about to be in a terrible, violent crash into a deadly abyss.
A society in denial about the obvious looming disaster makes me question my own perceptions of reality. Either I’m crazy — which is possible — or else the collective public is suffering mass delusion which blinds them to the cliff ahead.
This country is simmering with group anger and resentment — and those of each group have a narrative which paints them as the real victims.