In honor of the publication of an ebook of cat cartoons by my cartoonist friend, Tom Briscoe, all of today’s funnies are related to cats. I also recommend you take a look at Tom’s lighthearted $2.99 Kindle ebook, “99 Reasons to Hate Cats.” Whether you love ’em or hate ’em, you’ll find plenty in there to recognize and chuckle about, especially if you’ve lived closely with felines.
If you’ve ever seen a cat carefully studying a jump for awhile before executing the maneuver, you might wonder what’s going through his mind. Now you know.
Almost all of us take our orders from somewhere. Have you ever wondered who decides what things your cat is going to destroy next?
You might not care for the destruction your cats inflict upon your household, but other cats are very impressed with the hard work and artistry.
The cats were happy to figure out how to use the computer to place an online pizza order, but they weren’t prepared for the man of the house to stop the product of their genius at the door when it was delivered.
The neighborhood cats rarely let Sparky play when the game was Spin the Bottle, because nobody wanted to kiss a slobbery dog.