Many Democrats are still absolutely certain today that Donald Trump conspired with the Russian government to win the 2016 election. For two years, they’ve been in denial that this uncouth narcissist could possibly have defeated the Anointed One — Hillary Rodham Clinton — on his own.
After the Barr summary of Robert Mueller’s report was released Sunday, I watched online video of CNN talking heads and Democratic politicians to see whether they were willing to admit they might have been wrong for the last couple of years.
Their tone was that of children who have been told that Santa Claus doesn’t exist, but they cling to the hope that he exists even though nobody has seen him yet. They’re still in denial.
All over social media for the last couple of days, Democrats sound just as insane as conservatives did when they used to scream “Benghazi!” and chant “Lock her up!” all the time.
Many partisans — of all stripes — need serious mental help.
For two years, media personalities and Democratic politicians have been assuring us that the end was coming quickly for Donald Trump. They kept touting “bombshells” and telling us it was “the beginning of the end” for Trump.
I don’t know who compiled this two-minute video, but it’s a great collection of snippets of media talking heads breathlessly telling us for two years that Trump was going to resign or be impeached. Watch it. They kept saying that whatever “bombshell” they’ve just announced is “the beginning of the end” for Trump.
When Trump is re-elected next year — as I believe is increasingly likely — these people should get a lot of the blame or credit, depending on your point of view.
Trump is a dangerous buffoon. When the idea of him running for president came up seven years ago, I wrote something suggesting that we had arrived at “Idiocracy” if he were taken seriously as a candidate. When it became clear that he was a serious candidate three and a half years ago, I wrote something else comparing his political trajectory to that of Adolph Hitler in 1932 Germany and calling him a con man. (I still didn’t think he had a chance to win.)
I say this to make sure you know what I think of this lying narcissist. I was obviously wrong in thinking he didn’t have a chance of winning. I didn’t think he could con enough people into supporting him, but I misjudged his ability to fool people and I misjudged the capacity of voters to be conned.
I also misjudged Democrats’ ability to respond to this dangerous man. I thought all it would take to defeat him in 2020 was for Democrats to act sane and responsible for four years and then to nominate a responsible centrist.
Instead, Democrats have spent two years chasing phantoms that never existed and promoting a new generation of candidates who would have been right at home in the Soviet Kremlin.
They’ve screamed constantly about impeaching Trump, but nobody has ever been able to tell me which “high crimes and misdemeanors” would make him eligible for impeachment, much less for conviction and removal from office. They’ve made up fantasies about Trump being controlled by the Russian government — and they’ve ended up convincing themselves that their fantasies must be true.
They have counted on Mueller’s report giving them the proof that their shared fantasies were true, but now that Mueller has found nothing of the sort, they’re left to speculate about whether the Russians bought off Mueller or if there are treasonous secrets still hidden in the report.
In other words, they don’t want to give up their fantasies. They don’t want to accept that Trump won in 2016 through a rough and nasty campaign primarily because they nominated a monumentally bad candidate.
After conservatives wanted to keep chasing the fantasy of removing Bill Clinton from office, some progressives started an organization called MoveOn, which tried to press the case that everybody needed to “move on” from the anti-Clinton conspiratorial fantasies of those on the right.
If that name weren’t already taken, Trump supporters could start an organization called MoveOn right now, because the positions have completely switched.
It’s always been insane to attack Donald Trump on these completely unsubstantiated grounds. There were plenty of legitimate and responsible reasons for opposing Trump, but Democrats chose the most outrageous and irrational grounds to stake their claims on.
For two years, Democrats have been setting themselves up to be bitterly disappointed. They wasted half of his first term chasing phantoms.
It seems to me that the original vague charges that started this were nonsense, but Trump and Co. had so many other things to hide that they lied through this investigation to protect entirely unrelated secrets. Nothing about this is surprising. It’s also not surprising that Trump and Co. will claim this as an exoneration and Democrats will scream for more investigation of the “Russia conspiracy.”
If you oppose Trump — as I think reasonable and ethical people should — the correct response isn’t choosing another politician to rule over us. The reasonable response is to question the system which can put a lying and dangerous narcissist in a position to destroy all of us. You should be questioning why any man or woman should have this power — not just whether Trump should have it.
Unless something completely unexpected happens, Trump will not be impeached. The fact that I believe (and many of you believe) he’s a dishonest and narcissistic kook doesn’t pass legal muster for impeachment. You’re stuck with him for now.
I think the odds are very strong that you’re going to be stuck with him for an additional four years after the 2020 election. If that happens, you can thank delusional Democrats and their media friends for wasting years chasing phantoms that don’t exist.
Don’t impeach Trump. Instead, “impeach” and replace the whole immoral political system which gives power-hungry narcissists the power to rule over us.